Field Service
During my final year as a JW I started having anxiety attacks out in field service.
2 - 4 day assemblies
I actually liked the 2 day, circuit assemblies. I stuffed myself with all that 'spiritual food'. I would even record them.
Giving Ministry School Talk - for men and women
I once gave a talk where I forgot to put on my tie. I was counseled, nicely, but I thought it was a somewhat trivial. I considered it amusing when I saw a sister, on stage, in her late 50s wear a head covering while talking to an elder who was half her age.
Watching 12 years getting baptized
Back in my day 14 years seemed to be the minimum. I believe I was 15 when I got baptized.
Watching young children getting disfellowshipped
The youngest df that I heard was about 14 and his younger brother who was not baptized and 11 was announced separately as disassociated.